Friday, December 10, 2004

Mood Swings & Dreams

I've been really ill this week and I've not been at work since Monday. At first I thought is was pregnancy related but now I think it's a bug of some sort. I feel really bad, sick, tired, shakey. As if I'd been run over by a bus!

I'd a midwife appointment on Wednesday but nothing much happened. I wasn't expecting much either so I wasn't disappointed. Because I have no notes yet and have not been 'booked in' by the hospital, they could only test my blood pressure and urine sample. Both were ok. We had a little chat but that was it. I've my hospital appointment for 06 January, so not long now until I can see my little baby for real.

My mood swings are so, so bad this week. They started last weekend. I didn't see it coming, *The Bitch from Hell* just snuck up on me! I was so angry all day long. It just decended like a red mist in the morning. Then after a few hours ~ the tears started! We had to cancel a trip into town and everything. I feel so sorry for Ivan & Caitlin. I was such a wacko! I was never this hormonal last time. I just wanted to be on my own, in my own company and preferably in my own bed with the covers pulled over my head. I think I'm a bit more stable now but who knows when she will strike again. It's like living with another person.

I've been having the usual weird dreams on and off but last night I dreamt that my hair was coming out in clumps! I put my had up to my fringe and the whole lot just came away. I nearly died with fright. You know what made this even more weird ~ I didn't remember until I went to wash my hair and seen lots and lots of hair in the bath !!!!! Is my dream comeing true?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Some Festive Spirit

Snaped these at the weekend. Caitlin got a Santa hat and loves to wear it every chance she gets. She is also into dressing up at the minute!

This is my Little Princess x

Saturday, December 04, 2004

First Christmas Party of the Season

Well I attended my first Christmas Party of the festive season today. I'd a travel industry lunch to attend. It was quite an important day for me cause I am Vice President of the club next year and I'd to go on stage to get my chain of office etc. Nice job by the way !!! J-Lo's bling has nothing on me now.

Our Company took a table of 10, so I'd a few guests to look after. Usually I'd have my first drink at 11.30 am and go onto 11.30 pm but things are different this year! I'd to pretend I was drinking up like everyone else to avoid questions but I carried it off. I'd a white wine spritzer followed by many of the same without the wine! I'm a good faker! Just made sure I was going to the bar for the drinks, lol.

I was back home before 7.00 pm and I'm ready for my bed! Shattered.

I've to do it all over again on Monday evening but this time it's a night out with the real rowdies. At the same party last year I fell and broke my ankle!