Saturday, April 30, 2005

29 Weeks Today !!!

Must admit, wasn't sure about posting this belly pic but what the heck !!!

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29 Weeks Today !!!

I can't believe I'm 29 wks already. The time has flew by so fast. There is a very good chance that I could be having my baby in just 9 wks. I'm so not ready!

I'm getting to the stage where I can't sleep at night, I run to the toilet every hour and then can't get back to sleep. The SPD has started in earnest and getting up to walk after sitting for long periods of time or turning over in my sleep is so painful it's like getting kicked in the pubic bone by a donkey!

When do I start lifting the stuff out of the attic, checking if the sterliser & monitors still work, if the travel system is in good working order? When do I start packing a hospital bag? I keep thinking I'll wait until the end of May and then start!

We just spent the last of our wedding gift money today and we got lovely blankets and bedding for the cot, otherwise I've just to get a few vests and that is it clothes wise.

On the plus side I've only put on about 9 - 10 lb since November, despite the size of my huge bump (note to self :: post 29 wk bare belly pic later).

Down side is total strangers have started touching my bump and saying things like "not long to go now" "you must be due any day now" or "are you sure there is only one in there!"

Ivan caught me standing on a table to clean the windows earlier today and joked that it was a bit too early to be nesting !!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Big Congratulations to Mamma Duck

I have to say congratulations to Mamma Duck, a fellow blogger (I have a link to her whitty & wonderful site), who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at 4pm on the 13th April.

She was 8 lb 1 oz and 20.5 inches long.

Mamma & baby are doing great. No names yet.

Congrats Mamma Duck x

Antenatal Appointment Today

I had an appointment this afternoon. BP was good and just a little ketones in my urine. I got the test sticks to check my urine daily!

The Doctor said she wouldn't try to measure the baby today but she'd let me have a look at my little one on the scan anyway. Seen her moving around and heart beating away.

Doctor made a note that we should aim for a c/section at 39 wks but then rang to see if there was an Anaesthetist available to come a discuss what happened last time etc.

I met with the Consultant Anaesthetist and I think they have decided that I will have a Epidural Cathater & Spinal. She talked about the risks involved and said that if the baby is very big, if there is a lot of fluid surrounding the baby and if I myself am quite swollen and puffy, this will increase the risk to me during the op. She explained my breathing, BP etc. could all be effected and as a last resort they might have to put me under. She also said they would probably do a test a week or two before to checking my blood cloting agents. If they are low then I may have to be put under to lessen the risk of bleeding out again. I was in for 45 mins with her and I made/took lots of notes so I do feel reassured. She thinks they might do the op at 38 wks.

Not sure how I feel about the overall outcome. I have mixed emotions at this stage. I'm worried, anxious, nervous but hopeful everything will go ok. What's the worst that can happen? ~ we have a repeat preformance of last time? I think I can handle that.

I really don't want to be put under but as long as my baby is ok, then I'll go with whatever they decide is best.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I’ve been feeling lots of movement. Last Friday was the first day I actually felt uncomfortable ~ is that too early?

The baby was in a position, which meant it was all up top, and to the front of my bump. Sitting at my desk was awkward. Just plain sitting was hard. I had to gently nudge the baby but to no avail.

I’ve also noticed in the past few days that you can see my tummy move. This has to be my all time favourite part of pregnancy.

The strangest feeling has to be the low down, deep inside, standing or punching of the bladder!!!

In an effort to involve Caitlin in this new phase of pregnancy, I got her to put her hand on my tummy to feel the baby kick. She jumped of the sofa and started kicking the chair. I asked her what she was doing and she said, “The baby was kicking me Mummy”. “No, no” I said, “The baby was just nudging you and saying ‘Hello, Big Sister’” Her wee face lit up.

Now she is running around saying, “Hello, Big Sister” and telling everyone who will listen “Baby not bigger than me, I’m Big Sister!”.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Whatz Up?

Nothing much really. We had a great couple of weeks, including a week of work, which in turn meant I’d not a lot of online time.

Good Friday, I finished work on a half day and spent 3 hours in the hairdressers getting a new colour. I opted to go lighter than I’ve ever been before. Blame the hormones!!

Easter Monday, we went to a nearby town with Ivan’s cousin, wife and twin girls, to watch their Peter Pan Parade. Wasn’t bad and the kids loved being and playing together.

Wednesday, I took Caitlin to see the Scooby Doo Stage Show and she loved it. She was dancing in the aisle and everyone was laughing at her. It took her a little while to get the jist of what was going on but then she was shouting and joining in with everyone else. I loved the day I had with her. Her & me all day. Every time she looked up into my eyes, I filled with pride at my little girl. She really is special.

Thursday, we headed to Portrush for a few days and stayed in a hotel. It was great to spend time as a family and wonderful to watch Caitlin enjoying herself. At the park her “Daredevil” side came to the fore as she tackled things she hadn’t been on before. At the beach, despite the cool temperature, she ended up stripped to the nappy & vest, paddling in the water!

We were sitting in the hotel bar one evening and she was all chuffed with herself. She leaned across to me and said “You go home Mummy. I stay a bar with Daddy and watch bootball”!!!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Scan Pictures

The last one had the baby looking directly at the screen. If you know what to look for (as you look at the screen, tilt your head to the right) you can see the eyes, nose and mouth outline. We actually watched, amazed, as the baby turned her head towards us. The Tech said, "I've got to get a shot of that", lol

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Scan Pictures

Forgot to add these !!! I love the top one, it's a profile shot and it looks like she is blowing bubbles!

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