Monday, January 31, 2005

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Sunday, January 30, 2005

16 Weeks

Can't believe it's 16 weeks today.

I've seen my body change shape over the past week. My tummy is getting hard to the touch and although I've only put on about 6lb my waist line is getting bigger, lol. I've had a few twinges this week too. Say if I move or twist to one side, I can feel a pulling low down in my tummy. I'm just counting the days until I can feel the baby move. I think I've felt a few little flutters but I can't wait for the twist and turns. I can't wait to share them with Ivan and Caitlin but I love those first few weeks when only I can feel the baby move.

I got a bundle of maternity clothes in the post this week. I'd ordered online and unfortunately I've to send everything (bar one top) back! I hate trying to find maternity jeans/trousers. I tried on a lovely pair the other week but the soft panel went right round your tummy & back. It meant that I felt the trousers were falling down. I'd be forever trying to hitch them up! I am planning on going shopping, minus Caitlin, sometime next week ~ I must book a day & time with Ivan! He will be on babysitting duty.

Oh, good news on the bed front. Caitlin slept in her bed last night. She went straight to sleep and never even got out of it this morning ~ she was sat up in bed shouting for me at 8.30 am. I was so proud of her and when I made a fuss, she was so chuffed. Actually, she is napping in bed right now as I type! Must go and wake her or I'll not be able to get her back down tonight, lol.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Friday, January 28, 2005

Big Girl = Big Bed ~ or not !!!

Caitlin's new bed arrived on Wednesday afternoon, she even rang me on my mobile to tell me a man had brought a big, big, big, big bed. She was delighted. When I came home from work she ran to meet me at the door and took me by the hand to see it. Dad had done a great job putting it together and re-arranging her bedroom!

I had brought home new bedding and Scooby Doo pj's for her, which added to her excitement. She showed us how she could climb in and out of it and asked us to turn off the light and close the door! And this was all before dinner!

Great, I thought. Easier than expected, I thought. How wrong was I.

When I went to put her into bed that evening she asked if she could sleep in her cot! After all that excitment. That is were she is sleeping this evening too, lol. I really don't mind and I'm not going to push her. I'm happy to let her decide for the next few nights and I'll try her napping in the bed at the weekend. At the minute, we talking to her about taking the cot down and putting it away for the baby. When she seems to understand what we mean, we'll go for it.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Preparing the Big Sister

I also wanted to add that things have been going great with Caitlin. We don't bombard her but we do talk about the new baby coming and she seems to have grasped the idea! She has a baby in her belly and her baby-doll has a baby in it's belly too, lol.

If you ask her what is she going to do with her dummies ~ she says she is giving them to the new baby. She only really has the dummy going to bed but if she hasn't threw it away by July, I hope to use the arrival of her brother or sister as a way to get rid! You never know, they might just buy her a big surprise for being such a good big sister!

If you ask her about her nappies ~ she says she is giving them to the new baby and she is getting Big Girl Pants! I'm hoping to take time of over Easter to try the potty training thing! At the minute she will sit on the toilet or potty but we've not really tried hard with this issue.

If you ask her about her cot ~ she says she is giving it to Daddy to put away for the new baby and she is getting a Big Girls Bed. We ordered the bed the other week and I should get it delivered within the next 2 weeks. We've bought the duvet & pillow and I want to take Caitlin shopping and let her pick out her bedding. I think she will be ok with this change. She sleeps 12 hours+ at night and has no problems with going to bed. So fingers crossed on this one!

AWOL ~ but I'm back!

I took a break from the internet before Christmas because of some shit happening IRL. A so-called friends gossiping left me hurt, confused and angry but I'm over it and that's all the time I'm allowing it on this page!

Well, as you may have noticed, I'm 15 weeks pg today. I can't believe it. It seems to have flew by so quickly. I've left the sickness behind and for the most part I'm back to normal. I get tired sometimes and still can be a bit moody but, heh, that's normal!

I had my first antenatal appointment on 06 January. Talk about comprehensive!! First off we had the scan and like everyone else feels, I was just so relieved to see the little heartbeat. Makes everything seem so real. The pictures aren't that clear cause the printer was broke but I'm happy with what I saw on screen.

Next I saw a Midwife who took all my details and entered them into the computer. She took blood (enough for several tests) and did my bp, which was fine. Then we went to see a Parentcraft Midwife. She discussed the options regarding the classes and give me a folder full of leaflets and books regarding your health & wellbeing during pg.

Lastly, I had a great appointment with a Consultant. She went over Caitlin's delivery notes with a fine toothcomb and noted everything that went wrong last time. We discussed this in-depth and as a result I was doing “Shared Care” (Hospital and GP visits) but now it's Modified Shared Care and I’ve to visit the hospital every two weeks in my last trimester. Fine by me. I’d go everyday as long as the baby is ok.

I will be monitored more closely this time round as the chances of having a *big* baby again are very high and they don't know how this was overlooked last time. There is also a high chance I'll have an early c-section and will bleed out again but now they know what to expect they will take action to prevent it. They are arranging for me to see an Anaesthetist to discuss if I did in fact have a reaction to the epidural and what this will mean next time round. I feel sooooooo reassuared & happy for the first time in a long time.

I think I was worried about the appointment and this was part of the reason I felt so down over Christmas. I'm delighted to be pg and can't wait for another baby but I was really worried about the birth. I didn't know if I could go through that part again after what happened last time But now after speaking to the Consultant, I'm happy and relaxed. She said she would prepare for the worst and hope for the best!

It's hard to believe that my little bubba can grasp, squint, frown, grimace and even suck his/her thumb! I've to go for the Triple Test on the 31st January and will hopefully get another scan then.