Thursday, February 03, 2005

MW Appointment

Today was eventful to say the least. Caitlin had a little rash on her tummy yesterday morning and I took the "wait & see" approach. By the time I got home from work it had spread so first thing this morning I took her to the doctors. Turns out she has Shingles!

The doctor was very impressed! Never seen or heard of it in one so young. The doctor is hoping it won't cause her too much discomfort given her age. She thinks the older you are the worse it can be. We've got an antibiotic cream and that's about it. Caitlin may develop the flu and be out of sorts but we can deal with that.

I guess the main thing is Caitlin is ok and there is no risk to me or the baby.

We were back at the doctors this afternoon for my midwife appointment. It was quick and painless. My BP was great and my urine was clear.

I heard the heartbeat for the first time. Caitlin heard it too. She said "who is making all that noise?" when we said that it was the baby, she said "baby's banging in there" The MW couldn't compose herself!

1 comment:

Mama Duck said...

Poor Caitlin, I hope she gets to feeling better soon! :(

YAY!!!!!! How exciting to hear the hearbeat, makes it all so real now, doesn't it? Or rather, not so much real, as worth all the All Day Sickness you went through! Will you find out the sex ahead of time?