Thursday, August 18, 2005

Mum, why don't I have a bra?

I was inspired to post this little story after reading an entry on Mamma Duck's blog!

OK, Caitlin is always hanging around me when I'm getting dressed or going to the toilet etc.

She loved helping me when I had morning sickness by holding my hand and she loves to take the wrapper of my panty liners and pass them to me or just sticking them to my dresser ..... you get the picture?!

I was getting dressed the other morning and I said "Pass me my bra, please love".

She said "Mummy, why don't I have a bra?"
Me "Cause you have a lovely flat chest and don't need a bra"
Caitlin "And you have a bumpy chest and can't wear a vest"

Yes, everything sorted and explained until her teen years!

Or so I thought, until we were in the shops and standing behind a rather large chested lady.

Caitlin "Mummy, that lady needs a bra cause she has a big bumpy chest!"


Anonymous said...

LOL. I would have *DIED* if that was rachel talking loudly about a large woman's large chest.

Did you try and hide? LOL

Tammy said...

Ohhhh how embarrassing! My son once shouted out "Mommy, that man has a big fat belly!"

I wanted to crawl under a rock!

Mama Duck said...


Caitlin is such a smart little girl!

You must have just died!!! :)