Monday, September 05, 2005

Eternal Optimist

Caitlin’s behaviour goes from one extreme to the other at the minute and I don‘t know if it‘s related to her age or to Lauren!

One day she can be loving, funny, obedient and inquisitive. The next day she will be wilful, cheeky, disobedient ~ almost driving me to tears.

I’m trying all the tips and tricks recommended on programmes such as Supernanny, Nanny 911 and Little Angels. We do the Time Out or the Naughty Stair (or bedroom if Lauren is sleeping!). She says sorry afterwards and when asked knows what exactly she did wrong, so she understands.

I have to be clever about what I threaten her with. What I mean is, if I say “Stop doing that. Do you want to go to your room?” She answers “Yes”. Or, if I say “Stop trying to break that toy or I’ll give it to the boys & girls who don’t have any toys” She replies “OK. Here”

Out and about in town the other day she got the better of me. She kept running off in shops. Wouldn’t listen. Wouldn’t come back when I asked or even stop when I called her name. So what did I do? I frog-marched her straight to Mothercare and bought a wrist strap! I’ve explained that when she is naughty or runs away - it goes on! When she is good - she can walk beside the pram. We’ll see how this works!!!!

I don’t want to start smacking but sometimes I feel it might be the only way to get through to her. I know this is not true and I know it is just an immediate reaction to whatever she has done verses my rising stress levels!

I’m hoping and praying that Playgroup will be the miracle answer to my silent prayers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lorraine, I think our daughters were separated at birth! LOL, Char.xx