Thursday, December 22, 2005


We started weaning a lot of weeks back and due to my high charged emotional state I never thought we’d get through it but I’m happy to report some progress!

Now maybe, just maybe, that is due to my Happy Pills or to give my girl some credit, she has got her act together and decided that she actually quite likes food. Who knows?

The problems started cause I had forgot how damn messy weaning was. I was not prepared in the slightest! Stupid. Yes. But then again, I had that dark cloud hanging over me at the time and when the cloud descends, it fogs my memory!

I was not prepared for the flailing arms and legs.

I was not prepared for the fact that Laurens aim was better than mine and she was able to grab the spoon, first attempt, every time.

I was not prepared for the itty bitty spoons you use at the start. The ones that hold very little food and proceed to infuriate both mother and baby.

I was not prepared for the fact that both jars of creamed rice and packets of the stuff you mix with milk have a habit of returning back into a milky state the longer the feeding takes. Therefore you are trying to spoon feed a disco dancing baby some milk on an itty bitty spoon!

I was not prepared for Lauren to cough, laugh, talk, cry, shout, sneeze or rub her hands in her face at every single feeding time.

I was not prepared for Caitlin being in the room distracting her sister at every opportunity or wanting to taste some of what Lauren was having.

Basically I was not prepared at all and feeding time always ended in tears. Mine.

Now though, we seem to have a routine. I make sure Caitlin is out of the room, cover Lauren her chair and the surrounding area in cloths and just go for it. I’m happy to report that I haven’t been reduced to tears this week and have actually found it quite funny.

We’re moving onto something savoury tomorrow in preparation for Christmas dinner, although Lauren is still unaware of this fact!

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