Friday, January 28, 2005

Big Girl = Big Bed ~ or not !!!

Caitlin's new bed arrived on Wednesday afternoon, she even rang me on my mobile to tell me a man had brought a big, big, big, big bed. She was delighted. When I came home from work she ran to meet me at the door and took me by the hand to see it. Dad had done a great job putting it together and re-arranging her bedroom!

I had brought home new bedding and Scooby Doo pj's for her, which added to her excitement. She showed us how she could climb in and out of it and asked us to turn off the light and close the door! And this was all before dinner!

Great, I thought. Easier than expected, I thought. How wrong was I.

When I went to put her into bed that evening she asked if she could sleep in her cot! After all that excitment. That is were she is sleeping this evening too, lol. I really don't mind and I'm not going to push her. I'm happy to let her decide for the next few nights and I'll try her napping in the bed at the weekend. At the minute, we talking to her about taking the cot down and putting it away for the baby. When she seems to understand what we mean, we'll go for it.

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