Friday, July 01, 2005

Antenatal Update

I had antenatal yesterday, making 6 hospital trips in 8 days!

Urine was clear and the results from last batch of urine (sent off because of protein) showed nothing to worry about.

BP 122/77

I had a very detailed scan done by the Consultant but she forgot to write the baby's measurement down! It was measuring big again, 41+ wks.

Now for the (not so good) news. They took more bloods to be tested and started me on a course of B12. I had a shot in the bum and then lucky me, I get another one today. Then again on Monday and Wednesday. Then once a week for three weeks, then once every three months for a while!

They are still a little concerned about the low hemoglobin, iron, B12 & folic levels. I've had the iron treatment, started the B12 treatment and start taking folic acid again from today after my B12 shot.

I asked if this was soley down to my poor diet and whilst it doesn't help things, it is just how my body is reacting to this pregnancy. The baby is zapping all my *good* supplies and leaving me with very little reserves.

I've to try and rest to give my body a chance to build the levels back up before the c-section on Monday 11 July.

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