Sunday, July 31, 2005


I took a self-imposed couple of weeks off from my blog, as I'm sure you can guess that things were a little crazy round here.

Things are a little better at home. Ivan has finished clearing his mums house and will hand the keys back tomorrow. He found this task really hard and in turn was not always pleasant to be around. The atmosphere was very strained during the week and I found myself biting back at him when I didn't mean to.

He has also visited the grave a few times, which I think is a good thing. He said he found it peaceful, so I'm glad he has somewhere to go when he is finding it hard.

I had a bit of a dip during the week and was heading for an emotional breakdown but I came through it ok. I'm tired from doing everything about the house and doing things I shouldn't be doing only two weeks post-op. I've got an infection in my uterus and a slight infection in the wound. I'm on antibiotics and the MW will be ringing me again in the morning to see how I am.

As well at the 3 antibiotics per day, I also take 2 pain killers, 2 iron tablets and 1 folic acid tablet. Shake me and I will rattle!

I may have got my last B12 injection last Wednesday. I've to go for a blood sample this Wednesday. If the results come back with my levels all returning to normal, then I can stop the iron & folic acid and no more B12 shots!

Lauren is doing great. She is brilliant at the eating and sleeping thing that babies do a lot of! She had a 4oz bottle at about 2030 hrs last night and didn't wake until 0515 hrs this morning! And again today, she had 5oz at 0830 hrs and slept until 1415 hrs! So I can't really complain.

I take each day as it comes and don't get too stressed about having a routine. She was a little colicky to start with but we have now got stuff that I put into her bottle and it appears to be helping. She is very hard to get wind from! Doesn't take that from her daddy. She is also a very slow feeder. I was use to Caitlin guzzling down her bottles like she was not getting another one but Lauren likes to take her time, maybe have a little *shut eye* after an ounce or two and then finish in her own time!

I think the hardest part so far is planning your day or arranging to go out ~ so now I don't! Plan that is. At first, I didn't go out. Didn't want to, didn't need to. Then I tried to plan what time I was leaving the house etc. and when that time came and went, I felt a failure. I felt stressed. So, now I don't plan. We do get out nearly every day, even if it is just a walk to the shop but we just go out when we are all ready. When ever that may be!

Caitlin is doing good. Sometimes it is hard with her around Lauren but I keep reminding myself that she is learning and doesn't mean to keep waking Lauren up!

Last week I felt like I was always shouting at her to be quiet, then she'd go and put her high heels on and clip clop across the wooden floor to show me just how loud she could be!

This week we were having problems with her running away from me when ever we went out anywhere. I'm seriously thinking about getting the wrist reigns out and attaching her to the pram! That will teach her.

But that said, that's what it is all about. We are now a family of four and I'm learning, Ivan is learning and Caitlin is learning.

Lauren, well she is just lying there and being too cute and too cool!


Nini said...

So happy to hear that things are starting to look up. ((hug))

Sabrina said...

It's so crazy in the beginning! Things will get better! Your post reminds me of the one I just wrote 3 weeks ago! lol My son was born July 5th and wow your dd was bigger than him! He was 9 lbs 13 oz!
